About me

As a Senior AI Engineer specializing in Image and Natural Language Processing, I am dedicated to advancing AI solutions through continuous learning and innovation. I thrive in collaborative environments, contributing significantly to team success and fostering a positive work culture.

I find it instructing and entertaining to make side projects on my own, so make sure to visit my portfolio section down below!

When I'm not working, I'm either playing music or doing outdoor activities like bungee jumping, climbing, paddle boarding, etc ...

I also love photography, so make sure to check out my Instagram photography channel. The footer and header photos of the website were taken and edited by me ;)

My latest Resume: Preview

This was AI generated 😏


Led AI R&D for a Natural Language Understanding platform for unstructured medical data. Key contributions: ontology tagging, NER, topic modeling, summarisation, word disambiguation, question-answering, custom neural search engine using RAG...

  • Python
  • NLP
  • PyTorch
  • SpaCy
  • Transformers
  • FastAPI
  • Docker
  • Google Cloud Platform


Development of a tool that uses Data Analysis, Clustering, Topic Modelling and other NLP algorithms on problem descriptions from ticketing systems to improve ticket resolution.

Development of NLP tagging service to infer people's skills and interests for an employee selection tool.

  • Python
  • NLP
  • Scikit-Learn
  • NLTK
  • Spacy
  • Plotly/Matplotlib

Smartloto S.L.

Development of an end-to-end image validation system of lottery tickets using Deep Learning at scale on Google Cloud Platform, Android and IOS.

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Computer Vision
  • TensorFlow
  • Tensorflow Lite
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Android/Java
  • IOS/Swift
  • C#
R E S E R C H / P T E N T S
